This Is Not Another DIY Project

Meir Niad
2 min readMar 25, 2024

You run your own business. You are interacting with clients, working on projects, managing employees (depending on your size), why do you think you have the time to properly manage your online presence also? You don’t. Not if you want it done right; maybe you don’t. Maybe you just care about saving every penny you can. What is that old saying, “it takes money to make money”?

Pretty Websites Alone Do Not Sell Products and Services

You already have a website. Great. That is just 1 piece of the puzzle though.

What’s you strategy for getting people to your website? Just because you are online doesn’t mean anybody noticed. You have to actively bring people there.

  • Who is your ideal audience? Don’t say everybody. Define a few versions of your primary people that will be the ones who purchase from you.
  • Where are they? Find out where they spend their time and concentrate your efforts there. You don’t need to be on TikTok if your people don’t spend time there.
  • Get their attention! What are you going to do to stop them from scrolling past you?

This is REALLY starting to look very similar to a dude trying to “pick up a chick at the club”.

  • Now convince them to bounce from their app and come back to your place… I mean your website.
  • Close this deal. You’ve done great if you are here, but does your page impress them to give you their digits… or email address?

That’s a simplified look at it. Even still, there are more pieces to the puzzle. Do you know how many different ways there are to achieve the scenario above? More ways than there are to skin a cat, I am sure. (Does anybody use that cat phrase anymore? Did I just date myself?)

This is not a “one and done”

You can’t just pump out a website, and post to a social network a couple times a week. You need to constantly be churning out new content every week.

So many parts and they all need careful consideration to play well together.

Articles, titles, headings, page names, search engine optimizations, graphics, hashtags, etc.

We didn’t even talk about your newsletter yet

You do have an email list, right?

Do you see what I’m getting at?

We just dipped a toe into the water here of what is involved in managing your company’s online presence. This is not where your time should be spent. You are needed at the business.

Just delegate all this web stuff to us at

You will pay a set monthly fee, and we will create and maintain all the puzzle pieces. No worries.

Learn more at

Originally published at



Meir Niad

I write about ADHD, Mental Health, Technology, Cryptocurrency, NFTs, Web3... a bunch of stuff.